teaching- teaching- teaching all over , How many go out as champs????
Civilizations has given rise to teaching, coaching almost
all aspects of life .Today these
teaching encroach the natural skills inherently present will almost all.
Like hitting as tone to defend.
But now they are in
search of acquiring with the intention of developing further. Is hit
possible ???? Think
Can walking be improved by another , the style, the
mechanism etc. May be possible to change
for few hours, or few days but the original style will come back. It
will never be possible to change the style of your smile for longer period May be few hours like done by actors. Still they are
never nice to look at
It is certainly a must to teach alphabet, maths, science atomic science rocket
science etc As they are all not natural skills
but man made knowledge. Can we extend
this teaching method to artistic skills like Music, Art, Sports. Answer is a clear
NO. Why .the skill that needed to
perform instantly , spontaneously that fits the moment
are all within self. They are born with
the skills, polished and honed further by constructive practice.

hit, hit ,hit ,hit and hit.
OF STANDING AND HITTING IN ONE PLACE. It is game that change constantly both
you and the surroundings
Lee travino said only thing you get out of drivng range practice is pocket full of balls.
Is it possible for another to help better these natural
skills. Answer is Yes !How can another
help. By way of motivation, guiding the drills, exercises, food, way of life
for the sportsmen to be at peak performance juts ready to deliver for the event not late not before but juts in time. The
peak is almost always has as short life span .may be for days or weeks
certainly for years.
That act of guiding is an art too , done by trial and error
that keep changing with time, place, etc. ie there is NO proven holly-grail
method of such guidance for success full performance . Keep trying relentlessly
is the answer. Not forgetting there is limit to the number of muscles and bone movements
more you use shorter the life span. So ensure you do practice retaining your inner urge to practice daily with muscles ever ready to get in to action. Not
going to practice as a MUST do attitude .Instead
driven by desire inside
When you feel exhausted even a little ,it is time to stop
rest recover and come back. Do not do repeated practice over and over again
aimlessly. That’s a huge cost in terms
of life span utilization. All muscle bones ligament have limited life span. They
do not have unlimited elastic power. Resting will get back to certain extent
not fully,, till rested in full ,,,,fed
all nutrient needed
Eg hitting 1000 s of
balls standing in one place is a destructive act as this will accelerate
the back bone ,ligament and more
injury to all moving joints. Ensure every hit has a good reason .not just hit to
say I hit 1000 balls today or even 100-
That’s stupid