Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Technology kills human creativity sense needed in Golf #LALI.ELITE.GOLF- the thinking golfer

Technology kills human creativity  ,sense needed in Golf #LALI.ELITE.GOLF- the thinking golfer

all such praphenia not allowed on the course Why then prctice with them Kepe aside save money time and prevent confution Juts play the shot to target by feel.

Technology kills human creativity  sense needed in Golf #LALI.ELITE.GOLF- the thinking golfer

lali.elite. get the sense fomrr the mind not form outs side  ...jpg
Keep a side the Golfing aids free your mind . Play the basic game master it enjoy.

#LALI.ELITE.GOLF- the thinking golfer

all such paraphernalia not allowed on the course Why then practice with them Keep aside save money time and prevent confusion Just play the shot to target by feel.
for get readings after shot, Get readings rite in mind  before the shot

by sense hitting moving targets as done by ancient MAN

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